I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot. Marilyn Monroe
That's right- I'm a heel wearing mom of two (incredibly adorable) little boys, who wears heels on most days. My husband joked that I'd deliver the boys wearing heels if I could. I own all of baout two pairs of flats and that's only out of sheer necessity when I have both boys and simply cannot chase one while holding a forty pound baby carrier in one arm. I should note that I do own flat sandals and my beloved running shoes which of course are flat, but those don't really count. :)
The heels I have on today |
The title of this blog may be deceiving – I don’t intend on blogging solely (lol) about heels. This blog’s real intent is to hold me accountable to a healthy lifestyle and to share with others the tricks, tips and trials I’ve discovered on the path of achieving a healthy life for me and the boys in my life. (The boys being my husband and two sons- did I mention they are adorable and extraordinarily intelligent? ;))
So here we go!
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